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Ealing Learning Partnership
- ELP board
- ELP committees
- ELP committees action plans
- ELP innovation hub
- ELP school membership list 2023 - 2026
- Race equality in education
- Career development for support staff
- Career development for teachers
- Continuing professional development and training
- Gatekeeping news
- Health improvement in schools
- School governance
- Become a school governor
- DfE governance guides
- Clerk job descriptions and claim form
- Governor information on GIAS
- ELP support for clerks
- Governance news
- Governing board procedures and committees
- Governor roles
- Governor toolkit
- Effective governing board minutes
- Example terms of reference for curriculum committee
- Governing board chair job description
- Governing boards work schedule/annual plans
- School governor role description
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Vice-chair job description
- Wellbeing and workload guidance for governing boards
- Governor training, development and support
- Contact governance team
- GovernorHub
- School governance privacy notice from October 2022
- Privacy notice
- School improvement and leadership
- Schools partnerships and enrichment
- Services for schools (S4S)
- School effectiveness policy
- Teaching and learning
The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them. ~ Sir William Bragg
Science remains a compulsory national curriculum subject at all 4 key stages.
New statutory programmes of study and attainment targets have been introduced from September 2014 for all year groups except years 2 and 6: for those year groups, the new curriculum will take effect from September 2015.
For more information visit the DfE website.
Choose from the following
Good practice
Examples of work and health and safety information.
Key stages 1 and 2
Curriculum and assessment and monitoring.
Key stage 3
Assessment, effective lessons, scientific enquiry and thinking skills.
Information and links for ASE and CLEAPSS
Links, newsletters and teaching resources.