Becoming a clerk to the governing board
All governing boards must appoint (employ) a clerk for full governing board meetings.
The clerk needs to work effectively with the chair, the headteacher and all other governors to support the governing board.
The clerk should be able to advise the governing board on constitutional and procedural matters, duties and powers.
The clerk is accountable to the governing board.
Functions of the clerk:
It is the responsibility of the clerk of the governing board to:
- Convene meetings of the governing board
- Attend meetings of the governing board and ensure minutes are taken
- Maintain a register of members of the governing board and report vacancies to the governing board
- Maintain a register of attendance and report this to the governing board
- Give and receive notices in accordance with relevant regulations
- Perform such other functions as may be determined by the governing board from time to time.
Appointment of the clerk
When schools have vacancies they may advertise locally via the school community, local press or websites i.e. Ealing Council website
Clerks job descriptions - A generic job description of governing board clerks.
Clerks to governing board - Information pack for clerk to governors including information on membership, administration and training information.