Human resources

Recruitment guidelines and forms

Application forms for teachers and support staff posts

Note: Once you have added the details of the vacancy at the top of page 1 of the application forms, schools should ‘restrict editing’ of the application form, before sending it to candidates or uploading it to their website or advert.

Inclusive two-part recruitment application form for teaching and support staff posts

Schools can promote a fair and unbiased shortlisting process, using an application form that is in 2 parts.

Part 1 is the personal information provided by the candidate. Part 2 is the employment history, education and training and supporting statement provided by the candidate.

The recruitment panel will only have access to the information given in part 2 for the shortlisting part of the recruitment process. This is referred to as blind shortlisting. The recruitment panel see the candidates' employment history, education and training and supporting statement when deciding who to shortlist.

Here are the 2 part application forms and guidance to support this process:

Guidance for recruiting to senior teaching posts

This document is designed to assist headteachers, governors and those staff in the local authority who are involved with headteacher, deputy headteacher and assistant headteacher appointments. It includes guidelines and examples of checklists, evaluation, interview letters, reference requests, proforma, generic job description, person specifications, interview programmes and analysis forms.

Guidance for recruiting other school staff

Recruitment of overseas teachers from January 2021
Recruiting teachers from overseas: guidance for schools (GOV.UK)

Appointment checklist

As part of the recruitment process, schools HR request that schools complete an appointment checklist.


Medical questionnaire

The pre-employment screening page offers guidance on filling out the pre-employment medical questionnaire, which needs to be completed by all prospective employees.

Job evaluation

When you recruit support staff, job descriptions should go through the job evaluation process prior to advertising, unless you use a generic job description and even then you should notify schools HR.

HRSSC - new vacancy advertising form

The Ealing Council and TES advertising form (word) requires completion for vacancies being advertised with TES and the Council website. If you have any questions please contact

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Last updated: 18 Feb 2025