Funding and finance

Choose from the following

Budget information for schools.

Budgets archive
Budget information from previous financial years.

Capital spending
Accounting guidance notes, explanation of the capital code structure and frequently asked questions.

Early years funding
Information relating to early years funding.

Financial calendar 2024-25 (pdf)
The calendar will be updated throughout the year as and when dates are confirmed.

Key finance events
Finance events and deadines throught the academic year.

Pupil premium funding and eligibility arrangements (pdf)
DfE guidance on pupil premium and eligibility criteria, allocations and grants.

Natwest/RBS bank accounts and RBS purchase cards
Ealing has been simplifying the arrangements for operating bank accounts for schools and purchase cards scheme for schools.

Scheme for financing schools
The financial relationship between the authority and the schools maintained by the authority.

Schools financial procedures manual
Financial procedures for maintained schools.

Schools forum
Information about the decision making and consultative body which deals with a range of financial matters concerning schools’ budgets.

School information network group (SING) forum
Information networking group run by the bursarial team on a termly basis providing information and updates on a range of topics relating to maintained schools in Ealing.

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Last updated: 25 Feb 2025