Procurement advice 2025/26
This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools
Free access to Ealing Council corporate contracts giving you access to preferential rates on contracts such as stationery and energy.
Pay as you go consultancy support on driving increased value for money, toolkits, templates, contracts advice and procurement training courses.
Financial year 2025/26
Support to obtain best value for money in your procurement activities.
Additional / buy back services
- Commercial consultancy services to analyse your third party supplier spend in order to identify cashable and non-cashable efficiencies
- Training to ensure those involved with contracts have the necessary skills to either commission let or manage them so as to drive best value for money
- Annual checks on your suppliers to ensure they are still financially sound, reducing the risk to the school through advanced warning of supplier failure
- Corporate contracts for goods and services such as stationery and energy incorporate heavy discounts and preferable terms that reflect the purchasing power of the council and the wider public sector (use of and access to these services is free).
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Planned improvements:
Ongoing process of continued service improvement.
Service directors:
Zamil Ahmed
Related content:
Commercial hub, corporate resources.
- Commercial hub team, Procurement: 8825 9932
Last updated: 17 Feb 2025