2025-26 School budgets
Budget allocations
(Login to view information).
- Indicative schools block allocations 2025-26 (excel)
Please note: This version corrects the de-delegation rates for maintained secondary schools. - Cover letter indicative allocations 2025-26 from Kim Price (pdf)
Grant allocations, conditions and guidance
Local authority schools funding
Guidance, allocations and conditions of grant for pre-16 schools funding.
2024-25 School budgets
2024/25 year end closing of accounts finance return templates
(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:
- 2024-25 Closing of accounts notes
- 2024-25 School balance form
- 2024 25 T3 School finance upload template
- 2024-25 T3 Accruals template
- 2024-25 T3 School external payroll upload
- 2024-25 T3 Supporting documents
- 2024-25 T3 Finance return front sheet
- 2024-25 Year end additional information
- 2024-25 Letter bank account access for Ealing auditors
Grant payments to date
Grant payments third quarter 2024-25 (excel) Note to schools: Early years and high needs payments have been updated.
April to December 2024 (please note to avoid confusion the Jan ISB, PPG and 6th form funding has not been included).
Grant payments second quarter 2024-25 (excel)
Grant allocations, conditions and guidance
PE and sport premium for primary schools (GOV.UK) How much PE and sport premium funding schools will receive for the academic year 2024 to 2025 and advice on how to spend it.
School capital funding guidance (GOV.UK) An overview of school capital funding, who it's for, current and past allocations, how it's calculated and spending guidance.
Budget monitoring return
Here is the school budget monitoring return template 2024-25. Once completed, please email this to schoolsaccountancyservices@ealing.gov.uk by 25 October 2024. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.
Please use the following naming convention on your email header and return: [Name of school] budget monitoring 24-25. For example, Perivale budget monitoring 24-25
2024/25 Term 2 finance return templates
(Login to view information).
- 2024-25 T2 finance return front sheet
- 2024-25 T2 school external payroll upload
- 2024-25 T2 school finance upload template
- 2024-25 T2 supporting documents template
Deadline to return Friday 6 December 2024
2024/25 Term 1 finance return templates
- 2024-25 T1 finance return front sheet
- 2024-25 T1 school external payroll upload
- 2024-25 T1 school finance upload template
- 2024-25 T1 supporting documents
Budget returns
Here is the budget return template 2024–25, includes baseline funding update. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1. Once completed, please email this to schoolsaccountancyservices@ealing.gov.uk by Friday 17 May 2024.
Budget allocations
- Detailed indicative school budget allocations 2024-25 (xls)
- Final schools block allocations 2024-25 (excel)
- Cover letter indicative allocations 2024-25 from Kim Price (pdf)
Cash advance requests
Maintained schools requiring a cash advance should complete all sections of the cash advance template and send it via email to the schools accountancy team SchoolsAccountancyServices@ealing.gov.uk
School deficit recovery plan
If you are setting a deficit budget for 2024/25, please complete the deficit recovery plan template and deficit agreement proforma. (Login to view)
Once completed, please email both documents to Kamaljit Kaur kaurka@ealing.gov.uk and copy in Kim Price KPrice@ealing.gov.uk for checking.
This will then be submitted to the strategic director resources for approval.
For previous years go the the budgets archive section