Human resources

School teachers pay award 2021

The 2021 school teachers’ pay and conditions document (STPCD) has now been laid before parliament and will come into force on 22 October 2021 (backdated to 1 September).

Here is the School teachers’ pay and conditions document 2021 and guidance on school teachers’ pay and conditions

Summary of changes

The summary of changes since the last STPCD (2020) was published are shown here:

  • To make provision for the September 2021 pay award for UNQ teachers and introduce an advisory pay points structure for the unqualified teacher pay range (UTPR) *
  • Introduction of a payment mechanism for tutoring delivered by main pay range teachers and upper pay range teachers to address learning disruption as a result of the coronavirus pandemic**
  • A change in the number of days and hours that teachers must be available to work as a result of the additional Bank Holiday on Friday 3 June 2022 to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee; and reflects changes to the statutory provisions for teacher induction which come into force on 1 September 2021.

* With regards the £250 consolidated uplift the document sets out that:

  • A consolidated award of £250 is awarded to all teachers whose full-time equivalent basic earnings are less than:
    • £24,000 in the rest of England
    • £25,194 in the Fringe
    • £27,419 in Outer London
    • £28,681 in Inner London
  • Any part-time teacher whose full-time equivalent basic earnings meet the eligibility criteria receive the award on a pro-rata basis according to their contracted hours
  • The award should be paid to all eligible teachers, whether located on a published pay point or not and should be independent of any progression considerations. Relevant bodies should ensure that implementation of the pay award complies with the National Living Wage policy All pay uplifts will be back dated to 1 September 2021.

Mindful that Ealing operates the inner London salary rates, this uplift would apply to any teacher earning less than £28,681 pa. Main scale qualified teachers have a starting salary of over £32K so would not be affected by this decision and we anticipate it will only apply to those unqualified teachers in schools who earn less than £28,681.

The employers organisation has now issued an updated pay table for unqualified teachers which shows the award of £250 applied to points 1 to 3 of the unqualified teachers scale. Payroll colleagues in Ealing will therefore automatically update the UNQ pay scales for points 1 to 3 and apply this award to those staff affected in the November 2021 payrun. We understand that the total of staff affected across the Ealing schools that use our payroll service is 26. If a school does not use the Ealing payroll service they should make arrangements to notify their own payroll provider.

** The payment mechanism is through award of a TLR3 payment and the document sets out:

  • A TLR3 is a fixed-term award. TLR3s may be awarded only for clearly time-limited school improvement projects, one-off externally driven responsibilities, or where teachers are undertaking planning, preparation, coordination of, or delivery of tutoring to provide catch-up support to pupils on learning lost to the pandemic, and where that tutoring work is taking place outside of normal directed hours but during the school day.
  • The fixed-term for which they are to be awarded must be established at the outset of the award.
  • The relevant body should not award consecutive TLR3s for the same responsibility unless that responsibility relates to tutoring, as set out above. TLR3s are not subject to safeguarding.


Mark Nelson, Schools HR consultancy team
Tel: 020 8825 9478

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Last updated: 20 Jan 2025