Ealing Learning Partnership

Induction for new governors and clerks

School led induction for governors and clerks

When a new governor and clerk takes up a position on a governing board it is vital that they receive a good induction i.e. one that gives them key information without overloading them.

As with all induction it should be tailored to the individual however the following is a list of the basic information that should be included:

In addition the following information is also useful:

  • A calendar of meetings for the year, both for full governing boards and its committees: see the governor toolkit
  • Relevant sections of the current school development plan/school improvement plan
  • The most recent Ofsted inspection report ( www.ofsted.gov.uk)
  • Access to statutory and non statutory policies adopted by the governing board (or at least a list of what policies the school has): see the governor toolkit

Where possible we would also advise that new governors be allocated a governor who will act as a mentor (who this would be is a decision for the chair and headteacher).

It could be an opportunity for a new governor to shadow the mentor. It would also be beneficial if a new governor were invited to visit the school during the school day (if possible) and meet the headteacher and chair.

More useful information is available in the governor toolkit.

Local authority induction training for new governors and chairs

New governors

We recommend that all new governors immediately access the welcome to new governors presentation* (pdf), which will give an introductory overview of a governor’s roles and responsibilities.

Further information and guidance is also available on EGfL including the new governor induction checklist in the Ealing governor toolkit. We have included some sample documents from the toolkit in the information pack (below) for new governors.

All new governors are recommended to attend the local authority governor induction programme which will help with understanding the role/s and function of the governing board.

These are run termly and can be booked via Ealing CPD online.

For maximum impact we would recommend that a new governor does not attend until they have met the headteacher, chair of governors and attended at least one full governing board meeting.

Information pack for new governors (word)* (March 2017)

New chairs

We run induction for new chairs which can also be booked Ealing CPD online.

Information pack for new chairs of governors (word)* (April 2017)

*An EGfL user account is required to view these documents. No user account yet? Please use the registration form on this site.

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Last updated: 13 Jun 2024