RSE training resources
Developing a whole school approach to relationship and sex education (RSE)
This training outlined the 7 step approach schools can take to develop a whole school approach to relationships and sex education
- Whole school approach to RSE (PowerPoint)
- RSE toolkit
- Updating RSE policy training presentation(PowerPoint)
- Primary school RSE policy template (word)
- High school RSE policy template (word)
RSE briefing for headteachers - spring 2019
Resources from the RSE briefing for headteachers outlining the changes to relationships and sex education and health education
- RSE briefing presentation (pdf)
- Guidance for primary and special schools (pdf)
- Guidance for high and special schools (pdf)
- Sample letter for parents (word)
Delivering effective RSE parent workshops
Train the trainer: Delivering effective RSE parent workshops This training provided participants with practical steps to delivering effective RSE parent workshops.
Delivering effective parent workshop video guide
Delivering effective RSE staff training
- Train the trainer: Delivering effective RSE staff training
- Delivering effective RSE - Practical tips - This training provided practical tips for staff on delivering effective RSE lessons.
- Delivering effective RSE - This training provided practical tips for staff on delivering effective RSE lessons
Virtual training: An overview of the updated relationships education lessons for primary schools.
This training provided an overview of the new Relationships Education lessons for primary schools. These lessons will be used as part of the Ealing PSHE scheme of work from September 2020.
- Walkthrough of relationship education lessons (PowerPoint)
- Relationship education lesson plans and resources
Virtual training: Preparing for statutory relationships, health and sex education (RSHE)
This training helped schools prepare for statutory RSHE which comes into effect in September 2020
- Training presentation (PowerPoint)
- Revised action plan