Ealing Learning Partnership

Relationships, sex and health education (RSHE)

A comprehensive programme of RSHE gives children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and for staying safe both on and off line. The health improvement team have developed numerous resources to support schools prepare for these statutory change:

Below are a range of resources for school to use to deliver RSHE in school.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) toolkit

The RSE toolkit is a step-by-step approach to support schools in developing and maintaining a consistent whole school approach to RSE.

This toolkit includes information, sample letters, teacher questionnaires and audit tools to support schools to embed a whole school approach to RSE that involves staff, governors, parents and pupils.

This toolkit will support schools in preparing for statutory relationships education which will come into place in September 2019.

RSE toolkit (pdf)


The following documents do not constitute guidance but they can certainly inform policy development:


Sexting and pornography

  • Media Smart - Resources for high school pupils, based on healthy relationships and critical thinking skills online as well as pornography.
  • Crossing the Line - PSHE lessons for high school pupils. This toolkit contains lessons on sexting, healthy relationships and peer pressure.

Healthy relationships

  • Expect respect (Woman's Aid website) – Woman’s Aid have developed a toolkit for both primary and secondary schools with lesson plans and activity ideas to help plan and deliver lessons on healthy relationships and domestic abuse.
  • NSPCC ‘Making sense of relationships’ (NSPCC website) These lesson plans for KS2-KS4 contain resources to deliver lessons on transition to secondary school, online safety and online friendships, consent, sexualised behaviour, unhealthy relationships and sharing sexual images.


  • NSPCC PANTS (NSPCC website) – The NSPCC have developed resources which help teach pupils how to keep themselves and their bodies safe. This resources is very useful for teaching children what to do it they are worried about changes to their body
  • Saying no poster (word) – This resource was developed to help children say no when they are asked to do something they don’t want to do.


  • PSHE Association – The PSHE Association have developed a resource for teaching about consent- informative guidance and resources to help plan and deliver lessons on consent to KS3 and KS4 pupils which includes the law, consequences, assertiveness, gender stereotypes etc.

Special education needs

  • Image in action website - Useful resources for schools and parents. Also provide training and consultancy regarding RSE for children with SEND.


  • RSE baseline assessment KS1 (word)
    This activity should be carried out at the beginning of a unit of work on body parts and keeping our bodies clean. This baseline assessment will help to determine what the pupils already know, and what their future learning needs are.
  • RSE baseline assessment KS2 (word)
    This activity should be carried out at the beginning of a unit of work on puberty. This baseline assessment will help to determine what the pupils already know about both sexes during puberty, and what their future learning needs are.
    RSE assessment 2 (word)
  • This activity should be used at the end of a unit of work on puberty to determine whether a pupil understands how they can deal with the bodily and emotional changes that occur during puberty. Pupils should be asked to imagine they are the problem page doctor, Dr. Lee. They should write a reply to each of the problems, offering good advice to each of the four children.
    RSE assessment for KS2/KS3 (word)
  • This activity can be carried out at the begging and end of an RSE topic to assess initial understanding and progress made.


  • High school RSE policy audit tool (word) – this tool was developed by the health improvement team to help high schools evaluate and review their RSE policy
  • RSE audit (word) – This tool was developed to help schools audit their current RSE provision by identifying areas of strength and areas for development
  • RSE staff questionnaire (word) – This questionnaire was developed to help schools assess teacher’s confidence in delivering RSE lessons and identifying areas where training is needed.
  • Answering difficult questions from pupils (word) - FAQ sheet to support staff in answering difficult questions from pupils


Recorded resources for relationships education

*An EGfL user account is required to view the videos (mp4) below. No user account yet? Register now

Staff training one

Resources to deliver a relationships education staff training focused on understanding what relationships education is, the importance of relationships Education and the topics covered in primary school.

Staff training two

Resources to deliver a relationships education staff training focused on delivering effective relationships education lessons in primary schools. This training also details what is covered in each year group as part of relationships education.

Running a relationships education parent workshop one

Resources to deliver a relationship education parent workshop, this workshop focuses on an overview of relationships education, the importance of relationships education and national guidance for schools

Running a Relationships Education parent workshop two

Resources to deliver a Relationships Education parent workshop, this workshop focuses on the content of relationships education lessons from the Ealing PSHE scheme of work

You will find additional resources for delivering an relationships education parent workshop in our Train the Trainer session.

Running a relationships education parent workshop three

Resources to deliver a Relationships Education parent workshop, this workshop focuses on sharing a revised Relationships Education policy with parents.

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Last updated: 19 Apr 2024