Every school should have a lead for race and diversity who is identified to parents

To bring about sustained change in regard to race equality it is recommended that each school / setting nominate a senior leader and a Governor as the leads for race and diversity.

It is important to consider who is best placed to take on these roles within school, who has the skills to effectively lead and champion whole school change. It should not be assumed that the people in these roles must be from a Black heritage or other ethnic minority background.

Whilst there certainly can be strengths in this work being led by someone who has lived experience of some of the challenges faced, however, equally there can be a benefit of someone white leading this work in recognition that it is the responsibility of all staff, and not just those affected by inequality.

Some schools have found it effective to have a champion who is then supported by a wider group of staff from across the school, from a range of different ethnic backgrounds.

Race and diversity champion

Ideally this member of staff should be assistant headteacher level or above. The role of the race and diversity champion is to:

  • Be responsible for leading race equality work within their school
  • Lead the facilitation of training for school staff
  • Lead the engagement with parents from key ethnic groups, particularly Black Caribbean parents and community organisations
  • Lead the development of an action plan to bring about positive change linked to the Race Equality Commission demands
  • Be an active participant in shaping Ealing’s response to the Race Equality Commission

Race and diversity governor

In addition, there is also an expectation that a governor / trustee will be nominated to be the race, equalities and diversity champion / link governor. This role will be to:

  • Maintain a strategic overview of the race equality and diversity work on behalf of the governing board
  • Champion the achievement of ethnic groups of pupils who are not achieving at the same level as their peers, with a particular focus on Black Caribbean pupils, within the school and the governing board structures
  • Provide support and challenge to the race equality and diversity staff lead
  • Positively engage with Black Caribbean parents and the wider parent community around race equality
  • Participate in training and events with other race equality and diversity lead governors from project schools.

Further resources

Governance self-review tool: Focus on race equity and diversity

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Last updated: 29 Jun 2022

Ealing Learning Partnership