
The schools financial procedures provides maintained schools with guidance on a range of financial management processes that are set out as individual sections.

The Local Authority’s (LA) large investment in stocks, stores, furniture, and equipment at Schools requires that adequate security arrangements exist to safeguard against potential risks of theft, fraud, or irregularity. These Financial Regulations seek to ensure that enough measures are taken by Governing Boards (GB) to safeguard property and cash and to minimise risk.

Security regulations

Each GB is responsible to Ealing LA for maintaining adequate arrangements at all times for the security of all stocks, stores, furniture, equipment, cash data and information, and other property.

Schools must not retain large amounts of cash on School premises. Where a significant amount of cash has been received then the school must make arrangements to bank the monies within a reasonable period of time. Petty cash floats should be kept to a minimum. Any cash at the school must be kept under lock and key, with access to the key being restricted.

Keys to safes and similar receptacles, storerooms and secure areas shall be kept at all times in the possession of responsible persons nominated by the Headteacher. If any keys are lost or stolen steps must be taken to ensure security is not compromised, this may require the changing of locks.

Valuable, portable, and attractive items of property purchased from the School Budget Share or acquired through other sources of finance or donation shall be permanently and visibly marked as Ealing LA property.

Adequate arrangements shall be made for the security of portable and desirable items of property when not in use.


School accountancy service,

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024