Budgets archive

You need to login with your EGfL user account to access these reports. To register for a user account, email: egflwebteam@ealing.gov.uk.

2022-23 School budgets

2022/23 year end closing of accounts finance return templates

(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:

2022/23 Term 2 finance return templates

(Login to view information):

2022/23 Term 1 finance return templates

Budget allocations

Grant payments paid to date

Grant allocations, conditions and guidance

We will update this throughout the year as and when allocations are released.

ESFA weekly updates (GOV.UK)

Please find your final budget allocations below:

Budget return

Here is the budget return template 2022-23. Once completed, please email this to SchoolsAccountancy@ealing.gov.uk. Guidance is available on the spreadsheet, under tab 1.

School deficit recovery plan

If you are setting a deficit budget for 2022-23 please complete the deficit recovery plan template and deficit agreement letter. Once completed, please email documents to Stephen Bell BellS@ealing.gov.uk and copy in Kim Price kprice@ealing.gov.uk for checking.

This will then be submitted to the chief finance officer and director of children and adult services for approval.

2021-22 School budgets

2021/22 year end closing of accounts finance return templates

(Login to view information). Select document title and download to view and open:

Budget allocations

Here are the allocated grant links:

Please find your indicative budget allocations below. Please note, some of the grants and allocations are based on 2020-21 allocations as actual data is not available at this present time. We will update throughout the year when allocations are released:

2021/22 Term 1 finance return templates

(Login to view information):

2020-21 Schools budgets

2020-21 Year end closing of accounts

Schools cumulative balances 2020-21 (excel). Review the data and email SchoolsAccountancyServices@ealing.gov.uk of any discrepancies above £5,000 by 21 May 2021.

2020-21 closing and timetable

Here is the timetable and guidelines for closing 2020-21 year end. (Login* to view information):

2021/21 T3 finance return templates and documents

2020/21 Year end/closing of accounts templates and documents

2020 Budget return

Here is the budget return template 2020. Once completed, please email this to SchoolsAccountancy@ealing.gov.uk.

Budget allocations

Here are published allocations for 2020-21. We will update this throughout the year as and when allocations are released.

Here are all 2020-21 school grant payments and respective CFR codes for the payments made by LA during the year. High Needs and Early Year’s final payment for February and March will be with schools by 20 March 2021. As such please note that estimated amounts have been included in the forecast and might differ.

2019/20 budget and funding payment process

2019-20 budget and funding payment process (pdf)
Guidance note for schools on changes to payment processes.

2019-20 Schools grant payments

Here are all 2019-20 school grant payments and respective CFR codes for the payments made by LA during the year.Early Year’s final payment for February and March will be with schools by 20 March 2020. As such please note the breakdown of paid and final payment separately for early years.

2019-20 End of year (Term 3)

Here are the templates and relevant documents for the 2019-20 year end. (Log in to view information):

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium 2019/20 (pdf)

Pupil premium allocation - December 2019 update *(excel)
Latest update from ESFA for the pupil premium grant. Note that adjustments will be made to February advances accordingly. For further information and guidance see Pupil premium: allocations and conditions of grant 2019 to 2020 guidance (GOV.UK)

PE and sports grant allocation October 2019 (excel)

Teachers' pay grant revenue allocations September 2019 to March 2020 (excel)

Teachers' pension employer contribution grant revenue allocations September 2019 to March 2020 (excel).

2019 Budget return

Budget return template (excel)
Budget plan for schools who do not buy into the bursarial service.

2019-20 Schools budgets

Guidance 2019-20 budget and funding payment process (pdf)

2019-20 indicative detail budget allocations (excel)
Please find your indicative detail budget allocations. Note that some of the grants and allocations are based on 2018/19 allocation as actual data is not available at present. As such they may change and will be updated during the year.

2018-19 schools summary allocations *(excel) - log in required

Please find all your 2018-19 grant allocations. They are based on allocations for the year. We have induced CFR categories for your convenience, please make a note of them.

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch up premium allocations 2018-9 (pdf)
Please note that we have received the allocation for the year 7 catch-up premium and payments will be made to respective schools by 4 March 2019.

Cash advance – deficit plans

Cash advance and deficit plan template (excel) December 2018. All previous templates will not be accepted for advances.

Sixth form revenue funding

Further to the update by ESFA, please note your sixth form revenue funding has now been amended accordingly. For your reference please find the 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic year allocations along with cashflow for the year below:

June 2018 2017 pupil premium update and cashflow (excel)
Please note that a further update has been notified by ESFA and September 2018 payment has now been amended accordingly. For your school’s new allocation and cashflow please refer to the spreadsheet.

Closing of accounts 2019-20

Closing guidance and templates 2018/19

An EGfL user account is required to view the templates below, If you do not have a user account, please email EGfL webteam at: egflwebteam@ealing.gov.uk.

Login to access the following files:

2018-19 Schools budgets

Primary PE sport premium October 2018 allocations* (pdf)
Your allocations for the PE and sports grant 2018/19. The first instalment will be included in November 2018 advance.

Primary PE sport premium April 2018 payment* (pdf)
The second instalment of PE and sports grant allocation. Payment will be made May 2018.

2018-19 School budget guidance* (word) - 8 March 2018
To view this document you need to login in to EGfL, If you do not have an EGfL user account, email EGfL webteam.

2018-19 schools budget allocations* (excel) login - 28 February 2018

Closing instructions 2018/19

Closing of accounts 2018/19 timetable of activity (pdf)
Timetable for submission of year end documents.

School bank letter for audit access (word)
For schools to send to their bank provider, authorising the bank to provide end of year bank balances to KPMG upon request.

25 January 2018 - update:

2017-18 School budgets

High needs funding
HNB main stream banding - mid-year adjustment provisions report* (pdf) - 24 October 2017
Adjustments will be included in December 2017 school advances.

PE and sports grant allocation academic year 2017-18 first instalment* (pdf)

Early years allocation update after autumn 2017 census returns* (pdf)

Early years cash flow update after autumn 2017 census returns* (pdf)

Pupil premium allocation 2017-18* (pdf)
December 2017 pupil premium update
Please note that a further update has been notified by ESFA and January payment has now been amended accordingly. For your school’s new allocation please refer to the spreadsheet above.

* You need to login with your EGfL user account to access these documents. To register for a user account, please use the registration form on this site.

Covering letter Gary Redhead, February 2017 (word)
Summary of allocations by school/funding stream 2017-18 (excel) 28 February.
Schools estimate guidance notes 2017-18 (word) 24 February 2017

Detailed schools' budget financial year 2017-18* (excel) *login
This spreadsheet uses an internal authentication system. For instructions email schoolsaccountancyservices@ealing.gov.uk or phone 020 8825 9748.

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Last updated: 29 Aug 2024

Finance and data