Ealing Learning Partnership

Winners of the Windrush 75th celebration poetry and drawing competition

Ealing pupils aged 4 – 14 years were invited to take part in a drawing and poetry competition focusing on the theme: Celebrating the contributions and achievements of the Windrush generation and their descendants.

Schools in Ealing were invited to take part in a poetry competition focusing on the theme ‘celebrating the achievements and contribution of the Windrush generation’.

Children from Reception to Year 2 were invited to draw a picture or create a poster that reflected the theme and pupils from Year 3 up to Year 9 were invited to write a poem that addressed the theme.

Outstanding creativity

The response was fantastic with 62 entries received.

The judging panel were extremely impressed by the quality of work submitted.

The creativity of both the artwork and poems was outstanding and the panel were particularly impressed with how the pupils embraced the theme and were able to illustrate the enormous impact that the Windrush generation have had on the UK today.


A winner for each year group was selected and then overall winners for Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3. Year group winners will receive a £50 book token and the Key Stage winners receive a £75 book token.

The winning poems and artwork have been collated into a Windrush 75 Celebration booklet available to all schools and other organisations.

The winners

Year Group

Winners Name



Joravaar Singh

Dormers Wells Primary School

Year 1

Aleksandra Karnas

St Gregory’s Primary School

Year 2 (and overall KS1 winner)

Arielle Lothian

West Twyford Primary School

Year 3

Leo Daly

St Gregory’s Primary School

Year 4

Faith McCabe

West Acton Primary School

Year 5 (and overall KS2 winner)

Hamad Nazar

Havelock Primary School

Year 6

Bilal Naja

West Twyford Primary School

Year 7

Noor Butt

Dormers Wells High School

Year 8 (and overall KS3 winner)

Douaa Al-Shamari

Ellen Wilkinson School for Girls

Year 9

Avishi Rana

Dormers Wells High School

Winning entries

See downloads for Key stages 1, 2 and 3 winning entries.

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Last updated: 13 Oct 2023