Early transfer form
The early transfer form is populated using the year six (Y6) pupil details from the spring school census (for children in Ealing primary schools) and additional other agency information where available.
Information on Y6 students who are currently in primary schools in other boroughs is also included where it has been provided by neighbouring local authorities or from the census where we have been able to match this information in using Get Information About Pupils (GIAP).
The information is then sorted by destination high school and passed to high schools during May. It therefore:
- Removes the need for secondary schools to send out forms to individual primary schools collect this information
- Transfers information electronically to secondary schools ahead of the common transfer form (CTF)
- Enables secondary schools, if they wish to, to print single sheets about individual students which can then be used as references or in primary-secondary school meetings between teachers in the summer term.
High schools normally then receive a second version of the ETF (containing submitted KS2 teacher assessment data and test outcomes) in early to mid July.
Please contact Jen Bull for further information.
- Wassim FattahiNegro, Schools research and data: wfattahinegro001@ealing.gov.uk (link sends e-mail)020 8825 xxxx