Ealing Learning Partnership

Directors' report January 2022

Welcome to the Directors' Report online January 2022

Dear colleague,

Welcome to our Ealing Directors' Report to governors/trustees for January 2022.

The Directors’ Report presents news items from Ealing’s weekly Gatekeeping communication with schools that are of interest to governing boards on a half termly basis. This edition includes links to the most recent DfE and Ealing COVID guidance in addition to other national and local information of interest to governors/trustees.

A copy of this Directors’ Report has been e mailed to all governors, trustees and clerks and can also be found on EGfL As this report consists of a series of links (below) to EGfL pages, unfortunately it cannot be formatted as a downloadable document.

2021-2022 Governance training
We have included a link to the training available for the spring term below. Full details of all our online sessions can be found on Ealing CPD online. This also includes our networks, briefings and lunch time ‘spotlight’ sessions. Our 2021-22 Ealing governor training brochure on EGfL has full details of all training and how to obtain a local accreditation certificate.

Current and previous governance updates and Directors’ Reports can be found on EGfL. The next Gatekeeping Directors’ Report will be sent out in March 2022.
We hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Directors’ report. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions for future editions please contact us at governors@ealing.gov.uk
If you no longer wish to receive the directors' report, you can use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of this email.

Kind regards

Therese and Michelle
Ealing School Governance Service

Ealing Learning Partnership

ELP headteacher and leaders' conference 3 - 4 March 2022
All schools can now book, places are limited. Day 2 open to deputy heads, SBMs and chair of governors.
Action required: Action as appropriate.
Author: Ealing Learning Partnership (ELP)


Ealing governance training spring 2022 - do not forget to book!
Summary of online governor / trustee and clerk courses for the spring term available to book now via Ealing CPD online.
Action required: For information. Action as appropriate.
Pass on to governing body.
Author: Michelle Waters.

Ealing governor / trustee recruitment event - save the date
Annual governor recruitment event Thursday 10 March 2022 (online).
Action required: For information.
Author: Schools governance team.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for schools and childcare settings

LA’s key COVID-19 messages for schools 21 January
Removal of Plan B measures, vaccinations, UKHSA e-Bug resource and COVID cases and DfE thresholds.
Action required: Action as appropriate.
Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Raj Chowdhury.

Self -isolation period update
It is now possible to end self-isolation after 5 full days if you have 2 negative LFD tests taken on consecutive days. COVID case notification reckoner and warn and inform letter updated to reflect this change.
Action required: For information. Action as appropriate.
Author: Raj Chowdhury.

DfE coronavirus (COVID-19) workforce fund re-opened to support schools with costs
Funding available to support schools and colleges facing the greatest staffing and funding pressures to continue to deliver face-to-face, high-quality education to all pupils.
Action required: For information.
Author: Kim Price.

Schools COVID-19 risk assessment template updated
Updated in line with recent government updates on face coverings, self-isolation periods, confirmatory PCR tests and travel to England.
Action required: Action as appropriate.
Author: Raj Chowdhury.


New acting assistant director children's social care
John Churchill has been appointed starting on 15 November.
Action required: For information. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Carolyn Fair

Introducing the new intervention team
Team will offer a timely response to children, young people and families who may benefit from brief intervention after a referral has been made to Ealing Children's Integrated Response Service (ECIRS .
Action required: For information. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Sinead Galbraith.

Vulnerable groups update for headteachers and safeguarding leads
The government is looking closely at the daily data relating to the Omicron variant impact on schools
Action required: Action as appropriate. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Julie Lewis.


SAFE family support and early intervention
Information about supportive action for families in Ealing (SAFE) and referrals to ECIRS.
Action required: For information.
Author: Angie Dennison.

SAFE counselling service
An update on our counselling offer, how sessions are undertaken and referral process.
Action required: For information.
Author: Angie Dennison.

SAFE Ealing Parenting Service (EPS) parenting programmes and workshops
Details of parenting programmes and workshops and how to register.
Action required: For information.
Author: Angie Dennison


School supplementary grant: Additional funding to mainstream schools for 2022/23
Details of the school supplementary grant additional funding announced by the DfE in December.
Action required: For information.
Author: Kim Price.

Funding to support phase 2 of the 12 to 15 year old vaccination programme
One-off payment of £1,000 for schools to host vaccinations and make the COVID-19 vaccine accessible to their pupils.
Action required: For information.
Author: Kim Price.

Reminder for schools to order laptops through the get help with technology service
Further allocation of laptops for disadvantaged children in years 3 to 13.
Action required: For information.
Author: Kim Price

SEND/ Inclusion

Ealing’s joint strategy for SEND and inclusion 2018-22 update
A progress update on the refresh of the priority action plans which support Ealing Council and Ealing CCG’s strategy for SEND and inclusion.
Action required: For information.
Author: Sally King

Include Me: Making Everyone Welcome, SEND conference outcomes
Engaging all schools and early years providers following this SEND conference through a programme of Include Me Making Everyone Welcome training resources.
Action required: For information.
Author: Clare Welsby.

Early Help Assessment and Plan (EHAP)
Schools' role in early help and free support available from two EHAP avice and consultancy workers.
Action required: Action as appropriate. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Polly Bradley.


Ofsted IDSR release: November 2021
Update from Ofsted's schools pre-inspection data and insight team.
Action required: For information. Action as appropriate.
Pass on to relevant members of staff. Pass on to governing body.
Author: Jennifer Bull.

Early Career Teachers (ECT)

Supplementary sessions for primary early career teachers (ECT)
Reminder of upcoming supplementary training events for ECTs, teachers trained overseas and other teachers.
Action required: Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Mirela Temo.

ECT induction quality assurance 2021-22
Quality assurance processes will continue as normal in 2022 and will take place during the spring and the summer term.
Action required: For information. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Mirela Temo.

School staff leadership qualifications/ training

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) February 2022
Register before 14 January 2022 through the DfE portal to start your NPQ in February 2022.
Action required: Action as appropriate. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Teach West London.

DfE Early Years Professional Development Programme
New DfE training and development programme for early years practitioners which your setting may be eligible to participate in.
Action required: Action as appropriate. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Himisha Patel.

Holiday Programme

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme - Spring 2022
Details of the DfE funded spring programme for eligible children. Apply by 8 February.
Action required: Action as appropriate. Pass on to relevant members of staff.
Author: Debbie Burrows.

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Last updated: 17 Jan 2023