Statutory relationships and health education
On this page: resources, guidance and policy documents to support your school in preparing for statutory relationships and health education.
From September 2020, relationships and health education will become statutory in primary and special schools and relationships and sex education and health education will become statutory in high and special schools . The health improvement team are working with schools across the borough to prepare them for this curriculum change.
Schools can find more information about the new guidance here:
- Statutory guidance - Relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education (link is external) (GOV.UK)
- Sample parent letter about new guidance (link is external) (word)
- Relationships education parent leaflet (link is external)- This leaflet can be used to share information on Relationships Education with parents.
- Updated Summer term action plan (link is external) - As many schools were using the summer term to prepare for statutory relationships education which comes into effect from September 2020 this action plan aims to provide ideas and resources for these preparations which are achievable in the current circumstances.
Ealing Council have written a letter of endorsement for the statutory relationships, sex and health education guidance (link is external) (EGfL login required).
If you have any questions or require further guidance, please contact Claire on
Primary schools relationships education
The health improvement team have re-written the relationships education lessons which form part of the PSHE scheme of work. These lessons are in line with the DfE guidance for teaching relationships education. These lessons should be used in primary schools from September 2020.
Useful documents (EGfL login required):
Primary and special schools guidance
- Guidance for primary and special schools (link is external) (pdf)
- RSE primary schools guide for parents (link is external) (pdf)
- Parental engagement on relationships education (link is external) - This provides information to primary schools on what is expected of them in terms of parental engagement on the forthcoming introduction of relationships education and why. It also provides advice, tips and case studies on effective parental engagement. This includes where to go for help and the important role governors can play in this process.
Primary school resources
- Relationship education scheme of work, which forms part of the wider PSHE curriculum
- List of vocabulary from relationships education lessons at primary school (link is external)
- Learning objectives for relationships education lessons at primary school (link is external)
- Primary learning objectives (link is external) - An overview of the relationship education learning objectives for primary schools, taken to the Ealing PSHE scheme of work
- Primary vocabulary list (link is external) - A list of the vocabulary used in primary relationships education lessons
- Primary policy template (link is external) - This is a sample policy schools can use to review their policy for relationships education ready for implementation in September 2020
High school relationship and sex education
The health improvement team have written a series of lessons based on relationships and sex education for high schools. These lessons can be adapted as needed to support the delivery of RSE in high schools.
High school and special school guidance
- Guidance for high and special schools (link is external) (pdf)
- High policy template (link is external)- This is a sample policy schools can use to review their policy for relationships and sex education ready for implementation in September 2020
- RSE secondary schools guide for parents (link is external) (pdf)
High school resources
- High school RSE learning objectives (link is external) - An overview of the Relationships Education learning objectives for high schools
- High school RSE mapping (link is external)- An overview of the DfE outcomes which are met in each year when using the RSE lessons developed by the Ealing health improvement team
Resources for schools (EGfL login required):
- Updated Summer term action plan (link is external) - Schools were using the summer term to prepare for statutory relationships education which comes into effect from September 2020. This action plan aims to provide ideas and resources for these preparations which are achievable in the current circumstances.
- Sample staff survey (link is external)- This sample survey can be used with staff to get a baseline of needs
- Sample parent survey (link is external)- This sample survey can be used with parents to get a baseline. The survey should be sent with accompanying letter
- Sample RSE working party action plan 2019/20 (link is external) (word)
- Sample sharing policy presentation with parents (link is external) (ppt) This is a sample prsentation schools can use to share draft policy with parents.