Ealing Learning Partnership

Reduce persistent absence by engaging parents

Background and context

Dormers Wells Primary School set out to reduce persistent absences, particularly within Key Stage 1. Attendance in Key Stage 1 was very poor and there was a lack of understanding from parents that once in Reception they must attend school every day as they are expected to be in fulltime education.

What did they do

Their attendance team which consisted of the Deputy Head Teacher, Attendance Officer, Family Support Worker and SENDCo met weekly to monitor and to track different groups of PA children with SEND, Vulnerable children, Pupil Premium Children.

The SENDCo and the Family Support Worker arranged two parent workshops for SEN pupils. They targeted the Speech, Language and Communication pupils (as high numbers of PAs in infants have SLCN). Speakers from the Speech and Language Therapy Team prepared slide shows and during the workshop parents were able to share and ask questions, including scenarios where children with SLCN might not want to attend school. Individual support was also put in place to support parents to physically get children to school and individual meetings with parents held with parent contracts drawn up. Increased home visits were done across the school.

Half termly all students get letters sent out to show parents where the children are at with attendance using a traffic light system: Green 90-100%, Amber 70-89 % and Red below 70%. This has had a tremendous impact as all parents are then aware of what the child’s attendance is and it also helps them to keep a track on the child’s attendance.

The school developed an attendance leaflet that is sent to all new parents when children start school outlining the attendance expectation and attendance policy. At the start of the academic year all parents are reminded about the attendance policy and the expectations. The attendance leaflet is displayed on class dojo frequently and at all parent’s evenings teachers are expected to discuss the attendance of the child as part on the parent teacher engagement session.

Children are rewarded with movie afternoons, disco sessions and jumping castle session. Children with persistent absence when 90% is reached they are rewarded with a certificate and a gift. Those with 96% attendance go into a draw for a scooter in the Infants and a Tablet in the Juniors. Postcards are sent home to commend good attendance and punctuality, thanking parents for their efforts to get children to school.

What was the impact? What changed?

As a result of the work carried out over the year the school have seen their persistent absence rates cut by almost half – in the Infants pupils who were PA went from 62 to 32 and in the Juniors it went from 31 to 16. The school have also won an attendance award from FFT.

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Last updated: 01 Nov 2024