Ealing Learning Partnership

Race equality whole girls school approach case study


  • EWS is an inner city, multi-ethnic school, celebrating diversity and culture has always been a focus for the school
  • George Floyd’s murder was the catalyst for initial change; unions wanted a Black representative in school so the assistant head volunteered for role, there were Black Lives Matter presentations, diverse displays, resources etc
  • School joined the second cohort of the No Learner Left Behind project; nominated a senior leader as Black Caribbean Achievement Champion which brought a focus to the work; looking more deeply at issues and involving more members of staff.

What We Did/The Change/The Impact


  • Staff training has been key - originally commissioned training from a serving Headteacher and Professor Paul Miller; following year took part in NLLB training on unconscious bias, racial identity etc.
  • Race equality training now treated as seriously as safeguarding training – happens every year and new staff are required to be trained

Performance Management

All staff given an EDI target relevant to their role

Support from governors

EDI is a focus for governors and the EDI Lead meets with 2 governors three times a year; governing body very passionate about this area.

Tracking and Interventions

  • EWS tracks the progress of all groups and report to governors
  • In addition to this, the EDI Lead tracks the progress of pupils from the three priority ethnic pupil groups
  • Identifies interventions if needed; participates in any ‘cause for concern’ meetings; reviews the suspension and exclusion process if priority pupils involved Supporting Aspirations
  • Extra-curricular trips organised specifically for pupils from priority groups, e.g STEM trip to Silverstone; trip to the Windrush museum and focus on black feminism
  • Excellent careers offer that includes representations of people from diverse backgrounds


  • All curriculum areas are engaged; example art department changed module to allow students to focus on things important to them, incredibly diverse work produced and commented on by moderators
  • Black history month there is an expectation that every department contributes; all staff confident in this area now


  • Started a Diversity Hub to signpost staff, students and parents to further information, e.g. books, films, activities such as black history walks.
  • Communicate via news bulletin, wellbeing newsletter, SLT update


  • Willingness of all staff to engage; positive feedback; staff doing things of their own volition.
  • Students and teachers now feel able to raise concerns and share what they feel with increased confidence


  • It is ongoing work – it doesn’t end so need energy to maintain momentum.
  • Can be personally challenging to lead this work

Next steps

  • Recently set up a Black Parents Forum so want to develop further
  • Reviewing recruitment process for bias and to encourage people from more diverse backgrounds to apply; aim to increase diversity of staff and leadership teams

Advice to other schools

Focus on one or two areas and do them well, especially areas where quick progress can be made; good for motivation; embed them well before moving to the next area

One word / phrase to sum up

Belonging – this is the aim for students, staff and parents

Contact Andrea Graham for further information: agraham@ellenwilkinson.ealing.sch.uk

We welcome thoughts, comments and feedback: Education Race Equality EducationRaceEquality@ealing.gov.uk

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Last updated: 02 Jul 2024