Ealing Learning Partnership

Ensuring parents of SEND pupils receive regular positive messages

Background and context

A school wanted to increase the number of parents/carers of children with additional needs reporting that they regularly receive positive messages about their child and their child’s learning as baseline data showed this was a key area for development.

What did they do

Two sessions on SEND were run for all staff by the Inclusion Leader: focussing on barriers to learning, and expectations of SEND – both with key messages of celebrating all success however small and how important it is to share that message with the parents/carers. Alongside this a whole school system of sending ‘celebration emails’ to children with SEND was established and this is monitored by the Inclusion Leader. Staff were asked to ensure children with SEND were celebrated by including them in well-done assemblies and in sharing good work with SLT and the Headteacher’s newsletters celebrate the successes of children with SEND.

Staff phone parents/carers of children with SEND to give positive messages about their child and their learning as well as regular phone calls from the Inclusion Leader to parents/carers to celebrate positive news and allowing the child with SEND to speak to their parent on loudspeaker to reinforce the positive message. The schools new Annual Review Meeting structure also provides another time to celebrate the child and give positive messages.

These meetings are now attended by the child and as part of the meeting every adult present (parent, Inclusion Lead, professional (SALT), CT, TA and inclusion officer) tells the child what they were proud of them for, which was an emotional experience for the child and parent.

What was the impact? What changed?

The increase in baseline data show how impactful this work has been with an increase of 156% of parents/carers responding that they receive regular, positive news about their child and this change can be seen for parents of children on SEN support and with an EHCP. Similarly, staff awareness of the school wide process to ensure the sharing of positive messages increase by over 20%.

It is now an established and embedded system that will continue and there is a growing awareness and understanding in staff, and for some parents/carers also, of the need and value to celebrate progress and share success however small.

“Thank you so much for this feedback. She had not mentioned half of this to us and was quite chuffed about the lovely message.”

“Once again thank you for taking the time to make us aware that he is improving, and we always welcome your emails or calls.”

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Last updated: 04 Nov 2024