Curriculum development KS3-5 race equality case study

The journey so far

  • Started in response to the Ealing-wide focus on race equality
  • Looked in detail at the attainment data for Black Caribbean and White and Black Caribbean students in KS3 – KS5; identified those students with attainment gaps
  • Race and diversity whole school audit carried out focusing on three key areas: behaviour and safeguarding; teaching and learning and leadership and management - identified strengths and areas for development
  • Key focus areas – closing the attainment gaps; student voice and parent engagement
  • Race and diversity lead attends inclusion and curriculum meetings; there is a focus on equity and access and the need to make reasonable adjustments for students from the target groups in recognition that some have additional barriers. Curriculum meetings involves reviewing and monitoring data (progress grades) to assess and implement Interventions.

What we did/the changes/the impact

  • Student mentoring programme established for identified Black Caribbean students in Year 7, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11
  • Aim to provide early intervention to raise attainment and empower students, focusing on the emotional, motivational and personal barriers to learning
  • Starting point was developing a trusted relationship with someone the students could relate to
  • Mentoring provided by race and diversity lead which includes setting personal goals; supporting decision making; thinking about future choices, enhancing racial identity and broadening their perspectives enhancing their curiosity through extracurricular targets.
  • Concept of Black Excellence has developed out of these sessions which the students relate to
  • Different approach for each Year group – Year 7 students have group mentoring; Year 9 and 10 have 1-1 mentoring; Year 11 have group mentoring and they also mentor Year 7 students
  • Parents are invited into school in the autumn term for a progress update meeting and to meet with the mentor. Focus is on student wellbeing and happiness – two-way conversation with parents; asking how parents are feeling has been very powerful. Follow up meetings with the mentor at parents evening, as well as emails and phone calls

• Teach Meets held – all subject leads, HoY and Learning Support Team (if necessary) attend and share what’s working well. Mentor will input too. Students understand that all staff are working together, they are told that teach meets are happening. This has meant that things are joined up, there is transparency for the students, they know they’re respected.


  • Very positive impact for students - more confident; feel valued; sense of belonging and a positive mindset; taking ownership of their learning; better participation in lessons, better relationships with staff
  • Target and progress grades have increased; assessment grades have stayed constant or increased


Carrying out the audit took several months

Next steps

  • Ensuring every CPD session has a race and diversity section
  • Further development of the curriculum - ensuring an aspirational approach is included in the different subject areas
  • Producing an anti-racist statement
  • Updating the school’s equality policy

Advice to other schools

  • SLT need to have this as a focus; be open with staff about the vision so that inequality within the classroom is a real focus
  • Acknowledge strengths to ensure that students flourish; importance of positive recognition

One word / phrase to sum up

Transformative – shifting mindsets of staff and students.

Contact: Siara Mirza for further information

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Last updated: 02 Jul 2024

Ealing Learning Partnership