Ealing Learning Partnership

Build positive relationships between staff and parents

    Background and context

    Cardinal Wiseman School wanted staff to feel more confident developing and building positive relationships with parents and recognition of unconscious bias. They also wanted to utilise Therapeutic Thinking strategies to enable more effective relationship building to support their diverse family population. Ultimately, they wanted parents to have a voice and feel valued.

    What did they do

    The school held Staff CPD sessions on managing difficult conversations with parents/carers and using Therapeutic Thinking strategies when meeting with parents/carers. They also provided Equality and diversity training for staff on unconscious bias and cultural differences. Parents have been involved widely and more often with staff with the return of face to face parents consultation evenings and, for example through involving parents in the review of policies. Through the newly established parent staff association there have been opportunities for staff and families to mix with PTA functions and events. To support the work strategically they attended the workshop run by SP&ET and created a Family School Partnership Policy which is now in place.

    What was the impact? What changed?

    Overall they are now seeing greater collaboration and relationship building with parents/carers and believe that staff have better understanding of school cultural context and family relations. The school received an Outstanding OfSTED grading which started “The school works closely with families, and parents and carers speak highly of the nurturing environment and dedication of the staff. Parents have high confidence in the school and are impressed by the high level of pastoral care provided alongside the academic rigour.”

    Changes in baseline data:


    • Our school provides staff development on building positive relationships with parents increased from 35% to 62%
    • Our school provides information or training for staff on unconscious bias in relation to parents and carers increased from 30% up to 64%
    • Our school has a parent or family engagement policy increased from 36% to 70%
    • Our school involves parents when reviewing school policies or introducing new ones increased from 24% to 47%

    Parents: Teaching staff build positive relationships with parents increased from 62% up to 93%

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    Last updated: 01 Nov 2024