Ealing Learning Partnership

Speech and language

You can download the speech and language therapy referral form and access language and communication resources from this page

Primary schools referral form speech and language therapy (word) 2016 version
Note: Schools should seek the permission of the child’s parents before making a referral.

About speech and language

Speech, language and communication are crucial to every child’s ability to access and get the most out of education and life.

Children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are among the most vulnerable and most in need of effective support to reach their potential.

The following programmes and resources are available to support children's SLCN needs:

Every child a talker

Every child a talker (ECaT) is a national strategies programme, which aims to:

  • Raise children's achievement in early language
  • Raise practitioners' skills and knowledge
  • Increase parental understanding and involvement in children's language development.

Documents for further information and guidance

Launch ECaT (pdf)
Detailed information of the ECaT programme.

Quality indicators for supporting all children's communication development (pdf)
Ealing's toolkit for improving children's outcomes through developing their language and communication skills.

Record of communication and language development (word)
This national strategies tool can be used to track children's progress of their language development.

National strategies ECaT guidance for lead practitioners:

Inclusion development programme (IDP)

Ealing's programme for speech, language and communication needs.

The IDP aims to support schools in raising attainment of pupils with special needs, by increasing staff awareness of quality first teaching strategies to which effectively meet pupil’s needs.

The programme can be accessed through elearning.

The intention is that the programme is driven by headteachers and leadership teams.

Ealing IDP guidance (pdf)
For speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in an early years setting or at primary/secondary.

Early Years Foundation Stage IDP: SLCN guidance (pdf)
Designed to help early years practitioners in schools and settings in the early identification and support of children with SLCN.

Other useful resources

Communication friendly environment (pdf)
Booklet from Warwickshire County Council on creating a CFE and its aims.

Talk partners: a guidance booklet for schools (pdf)
Booklet to inform practice and to contribute to the overall improvement of assessment for learning.

Quality indicators for supporting all children's communication development (pdf)
Ealing's toolkit for improving children's outcomes through developing their language and communication skills.

The links open in a new window for the following institutes and organisation:

I CAN National charity for children's communication
Works to support the development of speech, language and communication skills.

Literacy Trust: talk to your baby
Resources to support practitioners working directly with parents, carers and young children aged 0-5 years.

Communication Trust
Raise awareness of the importance of speech, language and communication across the children's workforce.

Talking Point
Contains lots of information to supports children's speech and language.

National Deaf Children's Society
Tools to support children with hearing impairment and promoting positive listening environments.

British Stammering Association
Provides information and support on stammering.

Early Home Learning
Focus on the vital role of parents in securing good outcomes for children.

Family and Parenting Institute
It champions families and aims to make society more family friendly.

Fatherhood Institute
Information for professionals on engaging successfully with fathers.

Family Links
A registered charity promoting loving, kind relationships within families, schools, communities and prisons.

The British Association for Early Childhood Education (Early Education)
Provides support, advice and information on best practice.

A parent-led organisation to help children and young people with speech and language impairments and their families.

Talking Partners
A structured oral language programme.

Ealing Children Centre
All aspects of early years, childcare and play.

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Last updated: 04 Jan 2022