Occupational health 2024/25

This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


Medigold Health has built an excellent reputation for delivering robust, consistent and valuable occupational health advice. Services include:

  • New starter pre-placement screening
  • Sickness /absence management referrals
  • Health surveillance /statutory medicals
  • Fit to Work medicals
  • Employee assistance programmes
  • Stress management, counselling and CBT
  • Wellbeing and health promotion programmes
  • DSE, workplace /workstation assessments
  • Physiotherapy
  • Ill health retirement /pension advise
  • Occupational /travel vaccinations
  • Immunisation screening
Financial year 2024/25

The core essential services include:

1. Pre-employment screening, medicals and enquiries including:

  • screening a completed pre-employment questionnaire and clarifying information with prospective employees where necessary
  • Contacting General Practitioner (GP), providing report as part of the pre-employment medical
  • Pre-employment health assessment

2. Management referrals for Occupational Health Assessments including:

  • Health assessment
  • Health assessment review
  • GP/specialist reports
  • Domiciliary (home visit)
  • Telephone appointment

3. Pensions and ill health retirement including:

  • Medical assessment and issue of ill health retirement certificate
  • Review by second Occupational Health Physician

4. On-site clinic (a minimum of one per month) including, but not limited to the following:

  • Face to face management referrals
  • Health assessments
  • Doctor led assessments

5. Additional non-core essential services are also available at an additional cost

The occupational health service charge is based on a reduced headcount to exclude clerks to governors, fees and exam invigilators

Office hours:

Medigold Health Duty Clinical Manager is available Monday - Friday 9am-5pm, to assist with general queries about workplace health and wellbeing and advice and support to help resolve health-related issues promptly and effectively. Fair usage policy applies.

Service directors:

Andrew Scully

More detailed information:

Schools that do not buy into the council’s occupational health service provision must ensure they meet the minimum legal requirements to comply with regulatory requirements. Under statutory obligations Ealing Council would monitor these schools to ensure they comply with the minimum standards


Medigold Health

Additional contact information 
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Last updated: 02 May 2024