HRSSC pensions 2025/26
This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools
Our in house team manage all aspects of staff pension schemes on your behalf, including administration of automatic enrolment, reporting and annual returns. We have extensive experience in managing the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and can provide expert support and guidance.
Benefits of this service include:
- Automated annual returns for LGPS and Teachers Pensions
- Automated monthly data collection report to Teachers Pensions
- Automated monthly report for LGPS
- Management of active, deferred and pensions in payment ( LGPS)
- Administration of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme , starters, leavers and year end information supplied to TPS includes Teachers Annual Return (TAR) and TR17
- Completion of all forms required by teachers pensions
- Automatic enrolment compliance
- Communications to staff, monthly monitoring of workforce and managing all aspects of staff opting in or opting out of the pension scheme.
The administration service covers all aspects of the LGPS an employee may encounter from commencing their employment to leaving or retiring from the service, together with payment of any death grant and ongoing dependant pension benefits the scheme provides.
These include but are not limited to:
- Starters
- Contractual or personal changes during employment
- Leavers
- Refunds of contribution payments
- Redundancy estimates and payments
- Flexible, ill health and early retirement estimates
- Payment of lump sum retirement grants and ongoing pension payments
- Death grant payments
- Dependant and children’s pension payments
- Applications for ill health retirement or early release of pension benefits due to ill health or on compassionate grounds before normal retirement age.
Compulsory charges imposed - schools who use external payroll providers will be charged for pensions administration.
Schools who use an external payroll provider will be charged for the pensions administration we carry out on their behalf.
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Ongoing process of continued service improvement.
Andrew Scully
Workforce and Organisational Development, Strategy and Change
- Payroll and pensions HRSSC, HR shared service centre (HRSSC): 8825 9000
HRSSC 020 8825 9000, option 3, option 5