Long term sickness and maternity insurance scheme 2024/25

This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


Insurance scheme for:

  • long term sickness
  • maternity/paternity/adoption leave
  • jury service.
Financial year 2024/25
  • A mutual scheme which operates on a no profit basis
  • The scheme is controlled by a management committee of Ealing headteachers
  • More cost effective than a commercial scheme.
Additional / buy back services 

Schools mutual insurance schemes to cover long term sickness after the twelfth day of absence (eighth day for a repeated absence) and maternity staff absence.

The scheme also insures paternity and adoption absence and jury service.

Copies of the rules for both schemes will be available April 2024, see related content (below). See further details sections for information on rates of insurance cover.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5pm.

Planned improvements:

Suggestions for scheme improvements should be fed back to the management committee.

More detailed information:

Log in to view information about the scheme:

Related content:

HR schools consultancy, Chief Executive.

Further details:

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Last updated: 27 Jun 2024