Last updated: July 2023
The schools financial procedures provides maintained schools with guidance on a range of financial management processes that are set out as individual sections.Orders for work, goods and services (non-employee)Orders create contracts and commit the...
Last updated: September 2024
The schools financial procedures provides maintained schools with guidance on a range of financial management processes that are set out as individual sections.The purpose of this guidance note is to advise shools on Ealing LA’s policy on the...
Last updated: August 2023
Leaders know the educational outcomes of schools in the local area particularly well. They carry out a detailed analysis and identify those schools where outcomes are not good enough. This includes pupils’ progress in writing, which by the end of...
Last updated: August 2023
Principles for all professionals working with children and young people who have SENDAlongside the expectations of all teachers identified within the DFE teacher standards, the DFE also sets out the following principles that will be observed by all...
Last updated: August 2023
High quality teaching is the foundation for progress for all learners. It is believed that the difference between poor teaching and highly effective teaching equates to just under half a year’s extra progress for most learners. The effects of...
Last updated: August 2023
Cognition and learningCommunication and interactionSocial, emotional and mental health (SEMH)Sensory and physical needsDescriptors of SEN support provision in the four broad areas of SEND (pdf)Cognition and learningDescription of what this...
Last updated: August 2023
In this section the SENCo will find ideas, approaches and strategies to use when quality first teaching needs to be supplemented with something more to remove a barrier to learning or to ensure that progress towards agreed targets can be made by the...
Last updated: August 2023
SEND DirectorySpecial school and alternative provision offer Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years DfEEaling family directories SEN support: research evidence on effective approaches and examples of current...
Last updated: August 2023
Here is a glossary of special education needs and disability (SEND) termsAbbreviationMeaningASD/ASCAutistic spectrum disorder - no longer used by some professional due to the connotations of disorder. Some professionals e.g. speech and language...
Last updated: September 2024
Information for headteachers to dissemnate to governors, parents and carers.There is no explicit guidance on flexi-schooling. The following information is taken from guidance papers where flexi-schooling is referenced. These include...