Last updated: October 2021
Anne Frank Trust UKA set of downloadable resources for assemblies for schools.The Assemblies websiteAims to provide high-quality primary and secondary school assemblies.BBC School RadioAssemblies aimed at providing material suitable for infants...
Last updated: December 2023
Advice and support If schools need advice with Religious Education (Statutory requirements, Agreed Syllabus, Collective Worship, etc) or have any queries, please email highlighting ‘RE query’ in their communication...
Last updated: November 2021
Board of Deputies of British JewsThe voice of British Jewry: a cross-communal, democratic, grassroots organisation, and thus the authoritative first port of call for Government, media and others seeking to understand Jewish community interests and...
Last updated: September 2024
Legal requirements in different types of schoolsIn all maintained schools RE must be taught according to the locally agreed syllabus.For more information on teaching RE in other types of schools please read:Religious education and collective worship...
Last updated: October 2021
Resources presented at network meetingsOn-line shops for RE resourcesArticles of FaithWide selection of artefact packs and other resources for teaching all the major religions.Child’s Eye MediaProducers of the award-winning Festivals DVDs....
Last updated: October 2021
Example schemes of work and other resources for teaching religious education at the foundation stage.If you don't know the trees you may be lost in the forest,but if you don't know the stories you may be lost in life.Siberian elderThe...
Last updated: October 2021
Example schemes of work and other resources for teaching religious education at key stage one.Do your little bit of good where you are;it's those little bits of good put togetherthat overwhelm the world.Desmond Tutu (1931-)In the new syllabus,...
Last updated: October 2021
Example schemes of work and other resources for teaching religious education at key stage two.We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry...Maya Angelou (1928-)In the new syllabus, you will be expected to teach the following units...
Last updated: January 2023
Example schemes of work and other resources for teaching religious education at key stage three.It is important that students bring a certainragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies;they are not here to worship what is known, but to...
Last updated: October 2021
Teaching religious education at key stage four.While there is no legal requirement that pupils must sit public examinations, they deserve the opportunity to have their learning in the statutory curriculum subject of religious education accredited,...