Six new School Streets starting this week

10 Mar 2025

What are School Streets?

A School Street is where the streets around a school are closed to most vehicles for a short period at the start and end of the school day, during term time only.

Closing them to school and through traffic makes the area safer and nicer for everyone and they're good for people walking or cycling.

Positive impact

Since we first started this programme in 2020, we’ve seen a positive impact on school communities including:

  • an increase in active travel (walking, scooting, cycling) of up to 29%.
  • a reduction in school-related car use of up to 18%.

Feedback from schools

And, with fewer cars on the road, headteachers and the school community have told us that:

  • the school run feels safer and calmer for children and young people
  • there are no near misses with traffic during this busy time
  • staff can spend more time welcoming pupils and less time managing car-related issues at the gates
  • pupils are arriving to school less stressed and more ready to learn having done some exercise on the way
  • it has improved relationships between the school and neighbouring residents.

Walking, wheeling, scooting or cycling to school gets children and young people active and sets them up for a good day at school.

Six more School Streets in Ealing

On 10 March 6 more schools across the borough joined the Ealing School Streets programme:

  • Clifton Primary School
  • Coston Primary School
  • The Edward Betham C of E Primary School
  • Gifford Primary School
  • Grange Primary School
  • Three Bridges Primary School.

41 education providers and 20,770 pupils now benefit from a school street, bringing the borough closer to the council’s aim of having 50 schools with a school street by March 2026.

Further information

Here are details of the location of our school streets - just zoom in for the details of the scheme area and the times.

More information is available on the Ealing Council website: Ealing School Streets

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Last updated: 10 Mar 2025

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