Response process


Designated officer or senior officer

Checklist notification

Level 1 Critical incident

A critical incident, which may include a fatality (but not to a member of the school community) an where the incident is not the responsibility of LA/ school e.g. incident related to another school group at the same centre

  • Notify principal educational psychologist
  • Contact with school
  • Possible visit

Serious incident

Designated officer or senior officer - depending upon the nature of the incident it will be decided what action is required

Level 2 Critical incident

A critical incident, which may include fatality or serious injury to one or more member of the school community or where the actions of a member or members of the school community have caused a serious incident and/ or fatality.

  • If appropriate meet with the educational psychologist, SIP, senior officers and communications officer and consider action.
  • Insurance, financial premises implications
  • Education continuity
  • Contact school
  • Visits and support to school community
  • Media and press statement
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Last updated: 03 Jun 2024