School bursarial service 2025/26

This service is available for Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


Essential frontline support to schools to assist with statutory and financial requirements in raising standards, efficiency and effectiveness.

Advice, training, help with budget setting, trouble shooting, locum services and expertise in the use of Capita SIMS FMS software. Select image to view brochure (log in needed):

Financial year 2025/26
  • The service is an integral part of children services and works closely with colleagues in other services on your behalf
  • Our officers have experience of working in schools
  • Specialist knowledge in the use of Capita SIMS FMS 6 software
  • We supply a comprehensive budget planner - incorporating in-year budget monitoring, cashflow projection and 3 year budget planning tools.
Additional / buy back services 

For schools that do not wish to buy in the SLA package various stand-alone resources and training sessions can be purchased, see brochure for details.

Office hours:
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • At other times by prior arrangment.
Planned improvements:

Schools will be informed in due course of any future improvements.

The team is actively striving to improve the service and continues to liaise with external providers, the DfE and other Local Authorities to achieve these aims.

Service directors:

Tamara Quinn


Schools bursarial service, children services.

Further details:

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Last updated: 17 Feb 2025