School attendance team referral actions
What happens when school attendance team receive a referral from Gateway
1. Referral acknowledged. (holding response)
2. Link Attendance Officer to advise next steps.
3. LA to send referral letter to parent/carers. Letter to explain that contact will be made within two weeks.
4. School to be updated at each stage.
In all cases a letter will be sent to parent/carer s to advise referral has been made to the local authority
- LA may arrange parenting contract
- LA may issue warning letters
Parenting contract
- Officer will discuss reasons/defence and complete contract
- Agreed timescale for contract
- What are the views of the child? What are the views of the parent/carer?
- What support does the family need?
- Consider wider issues affecting attendance
- Discuss impact on attainment
- Discuss the impact of unauthorised absences and next steps if no improvement
- Agree review appointment
- Verbal/written warning given
If attendance improves the referral is closed. We will write and provide on-going support.
If attendance has not improved:
- Discuss with attendance team leader
- Review support options
- Meet with Social Care. Is a referral to ECIRS now necessary?
- Consider escalation to multiagency panel if attendance approaching 50% -
If sufficient unauthorised attendance, we will consider a final warning or fixed penalty notice considered. - If further action is required, LA may prepare paperwork/ witness statement - Consider fast track to Magistrates Court Attendance improves, referral closes, LA to write and signpost on-going support
Severely Absent – escalate to multi agency panel Multi-agency panel: Severely Absent <50% will be discussed at a multi-agency panel. School will be invited to attend.