Routine childhood immunisations

04 Sep 2024

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has issued an urgent call for parents to ensure that their children catch up on any missed vaccinations amid fears of a further surge in measles cases (link is external) as the new term begins.

Schools have already seen the measles information pack (link is external) on EGfL and schools should continue to follow the advice given on these pages (including encouraging the MMR vaccine to staff and families as required).

The start of the school year is also a good opportunity to remind staff to check their own MMR status with their GP. There is no upper age limit to having MMR.

Keeping well and supporting attendance in education settings webinar

There is an online (MS Teams) webinar hosted by UKHSA aimed at senor school leaders, which will cover the latest situation on measles, whopping cough, etc and what is happening in London, immunisations, and managing outbreaks in settings.

Date and time: Thursday 19 September, from 4-5pm

Join the meeting now (link is external)
Meeting ID: 342 313 311 662
Passcode: yDQg5w

Flu vaccine

The flu vaccine helps protect against flu. It's offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu. It is also offered in schools as part of the school immunisation programme. There is a new health provider for this programme across NW London, Vaccination UK, who will be in touch to arrange flu vaccination sessions.


UKHSA have not recommended any specific communication for schools/parents and the risk to the public remains low. UKHSA are monitoring the situation closely. Here is some general guidance about Mpox

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024

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