Rights Respecting Schools Award

02 Sep 2024

In February, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched London’s Inclusion Charter, an initiative designed to drive up attendance and tackle the rise in school suspensions and violent crime. A copy of the Charter, which Ealing has signed up to, can be found at: London's Inclusion Charter | London City Hall

A major thread of the Charter is making access to the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award free to all London state funded nursery, primary and secondary schools (including special schools, alternative provisions and PRUs). Read more about RRSA in London - Rights Respecting Schools Award (unicef.org.uk).

Find out more

UNICEF are running briefing sessions over the Autumn term for senior leaders of state funded schools in London to find out more about the Rights Respecting Schools Award and what this funding will cover. These sessions are suitable for those who are new to RRSA and also those who are already involved. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

I hope you will agree that this is an exciting initiative and I look forward to working alongside you all to improve the lives for young people in Ealing.

Adam Brazier
Head of access and inclusion

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Last updated: 05 Sep 2024

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