Support for those in fuel poverty

21 Jun 2024

Action for schools: Please share with your school community

National Energy Action estimates that 6 million UK households are currently in fuel poverty, unable to afford to heat their homes to the temperature needed to keep warm and healthy. This is an increase from 4.5 million UK households in 2021.

Educational resources

They have educational resources on their website designed for children from key stage one, up to university age to support them in understanding the importance of a warm and energy efficient home.

Free services

National Energy Action also provide free services for those in fuel poverty, including:

    • personalised advice on making homes more energy efficient
    • discretionary financial support for people unable to pay
    • advice regarding the Warm Homes Discount and help to apply
    • debt advice for those who are in arrears with their bills
    • help to maximise benefits and make claims / applications
    • getting households onto the priority services register


Anyone struggling with fuel poverty can contact them directly online or via telephone on 0800 304 7159 (energy advice) or 0800 138 8218 (benefits advice).

Online briefing

NEA are providing an online briefing to Ealing Council staff on Monday 15 July @ 9:30am. If you would like to attend please email

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Last updated: 25 Jun 2024

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