Mayor of London universal primary free school meals (UPFSM) survey

26 Feb 2024

Thank you to schools

Since the Mayor of London’s introduction of Universal Primary Free School Meals (UPFSM), we acknowledge the hard work that schools and catering organisations have been doing to scale up lunchtime provision.

Thank you for all this phenomenal effort and commitment to feeding children a balanced and enjoyable lunch.

As school leaders, you know the challenges faced by hungry children and how a decent meal can help children’s energy, concentration and enthusiasm during the school day.

Your views needed

As key stakeholders your school is invited to take part in a survey about about your experience of implementing the universal primary free school meals policy. The survey will take 20 minutes to complete.

We are keen to ensure that school leaders have a voice in the evaluation of this policy. The more voices we hear, the better our chances of improving school food policy and addressing child poverty.

Respondents will be entered into a prize draw for one of five £100 Decathlon vouchers for their school.

Impact on Urban Health and the Education Endowment Foundation have commissioned ICF, Public Health Nutrition, University College London and Child Poverty Action Group to independently evaluate the policy.

All survey responses will be anonymous so no responses will be attributed to you or your school directly. Findings will be reported at an aggregate level (Local Authority areas, types of school etc) but your school will not be identifiable at any point.

How your data will be used

The data privacy and participation information sheet under downloads provides further information about the evaluation, your role and how your data will be used.

Further information

See UPFSM school survey invitation letter under downloads.


Please contact the following if you require any further information:

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Last updated: 28 Feb 2024