Health related behaviour survey (HRBS)

15 Jan 2024

The 2023 HRBS took place in October/November 2023 and a total of 10840 pupils took part from 12 secondary and 63 primary schools.

Access the report

Your school's own summary report is now available to download from your school page report section on EGfL:

  • Log in to EGfL and go to My account which is located on the top right hand side of EGfL
  • Select your school name
  • School reports should be visible under your school address details under 2023/24> HRBS

Additionally, please see Health related behaviour survey (HRBS) | Ealing Grid for Learning ( for the 2023 borough-level summary.

    If you cannot see your report (available under 2023/24 section) please email

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    Last updated: 15 Jan 2024

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