Black history month

During October the UK celebrates Black History Month (BHM).

The first BHM was celebrated in 1987 but today BHM has become an important date for the whole UK. BHM was created to promote and propagate the facts of Africa’s Contribution to World Civilisation from Antiquity to the Present and exposing contribution of Africans to the socio-political and economic life of the UK and the rest of the world.

Black History Month resource pack 2024

This year’s Black History Month theme, “Reclaiming Narratives,” marks a significant shift towards recognising and correcting the narratives of Black history and culture. By emphasising this theme, we shine a brighter light on stories, allegories, and histories that underscore our commitment to correcting historical inaccuracies and showcasing the untold success stories and the full complexity of Black heritage.

Black History Month Resource Pack 2024 - Black History Month 2024

This theme is not just about revisiting history; it’s about taking ownership of the stories that define our culture, our contributions, and our very identity. It’s a call to action for Black communities across the UK to step into the role of storytellers, historians, and custodians of our heritage. For far too long, our histories have been narrated by others, leading to distorted portrayals that fail to capture the full breadth and depth of our experiences.

Ealing’s themes and resources in previous years (Log in to view)

*EGfL user account required. No account? please use the registration form on this site. (Ealing maintained schools and academies only)

Useful websites

Black history month website
View latest information.

Black Net
Website on the history of Black people within the UK.

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024

Ealing Learning Partnership