EEF peer to peer coaching in maths trial
27 Feb 2025
CoachBright is a social mobility charity who run coaching programmes to improve pupils’ attainment, school attendance and social and emotional development.
We are currently launching a research trial. The trial is funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and is aimed at improving the maths outcomes and school attendance of disadvantaged Year 10s and Year 7s.
What does the trial involve?
The trial will explore the impact of pupil peer to peer coaching on maths attainment. This is a model we have been delivering in schools for over ten years, with consistent evidence of impact. We now want to understand this impact at scale.
The programme
The programme involves our team training Year 10 pupils to be academic coaches and supporting them to coach a Year 7 pupil over ten weeks in maths.
The Year 10s act as role models and work towards an SSAT Award to acknowledge their development as a leader in the school. The Year 7s receive maths support from a senior peer, with whom they build a strong relationship.
If you would like to find out more about the trial and taking part please contact:
Beth Gascoigne-Owens, Director of Programmes (interim)
Tel: 07469682650 or 0121 573 0519