Claiming additional funding for Mayor of London universal free school meals (UFSM) where uptake is above 90% in 2025

07 Jan 2025

Schools that wish to claim for over 90% uptake of Mayor’s UFSM are asked by the GLA to provide snapshot data on school meal uptake at two points in 2025 and to submit to the local authority (LA) in one submission by 14 March 2025 at the latest. Both data submissions must show uptake rates are above 90 per cent.

Schools should note that the additional funding they claim will directly reflect the percentage uptake above 90%. For example, for a claim showing 96% meal uptake, the school would receive 6% more funding than their original allocation. This top-up funding first goes to the local authority, who will then issue the difference to the school before July.

How to claim

The data must show the take-up rate as it occurred on one date in each of the weeks below:

  • one date between 13 - 17 January 2025
  • one date between 3 - 7 March 2025.

Schools with a high proportion of children practising Ramadan may wish to choose the week before (24 - 28 February) to collect data for the second data collection date. Schools should make a note of this on the form and notify the local authority when they submit the information.

Schools should complete this template form and email it to the relevant LA contact below before 14 March 2025:

Once schools have checked the summary form, they should email this to the LA contact with any supplementary notes.

Schools should send both collection dates in one form at the same time.

Where uptake of the Mayor’s UFSM is lower than expected at Ealing schools, then borough officers from the Schools Property Team are on hand and will be happy to get in touch to assist with ways to help.

Schools may be required to provide additional information (such as school dinner records) if requested by the GLA.

The act of submitting the data to the GLA through the local authority automatically confirms the return as authorised by the head teacher. This disclosure indicates schools have entered accurate data that has been validated by the head teacher.

If schools have experienced an increase in pupil intake during this academic year, which impacts the number of pupils on roll, and thus meal uptake, they should contact their borough to notify the GLA via a separate process.

Further information

Claiming additional funding for meals uptake above 90 per cent | London City Hall

Mayor of London universal free school meals (UFSM) | Ealing Grid for Learning (

Guidance and support for schools | London City Hall


Please contact the following if you require any further information:

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Last updated: 20 Jan 2025

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