Bring active bystandership into your school with mentors in violence prevention (MVP)
04 Nov 2024
Are you working directly with pupils, leading a pastoral team, working as a head of year or a deputy head for inclusion and behaviour?
Do you want all staff and pupils to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise, respond to and safely intervene in situations involving antisocial behavior and gender-based violence?
By fostering an understanding of respect, equality, and empathy, mentors in violence prevention (MVP)aims to empower students to become active bystanders who can challenge harmful behaviours, promote positive interactions and contribute to a safer, more inclusive school environment.
Online training sessions
Please sign up via Ealing CPD online for this online training programme that consists of 3 x 1hr remote sessions, led by our former MVP lead, Emily Callard and supported by Steve Curtis, Faye Jones and Karen Gibson.
- session 1: Thursday 21 November, 3.30-4.30pm
- session 2: Thursday 28 November, 3.30-4.30pm
- session 3: Thursday 5 December, 3.30-4.30pm
You will learn more about
- What MVP is and how to lead its implementation in your school
- Understand the approach and be confident in building an MVP ‘team’
- Build a timeline and leave with a clear action plan to bring MVP to life.