September no show returns for Reception and Year 7

02 Sep 2024

Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break.

We are aware that you are all preparing yourselves for the influx of new pupils in Reception if you are a primary school and in Year 7 for high schools and we hope it all goes smoothly.

There is often a pupil or two in these new intakes that does not join you as expected. Instead of referring them to the children missing education (CME) team individually, which can be quite time consuming if you have more than a couple of no shows, we instead have a form that you can complete and return to us with all of your September no shows on:

Reporting September reception class and year 7 non-arrivals | Ealing Grid for Learning (

The form can be returned to us as soon as you have the information required, or have completed all of the reasonable enquiries for each pupil that was expected to start in Reception or Year 7 but has not arrived.

At the very latest it must be returned to us by Monday 30 September 2024. If you do not have any no shows please simply send us a 'nil return' email. All emails must be sent to with 'September No Show Return' and the name of your school in the subject line. If this is not in the subject line the email may be missed.

As soon as we have received your email and have had a chance to check the details we will reply and let you know when you can release the places. Please make sure your staff responsible for Admissions and CME are aware of the return details and are using the updated form (attached).

If you or your team have any queries you are very welcome to get in touch.

Kind regards

Ealing Children Missing Education

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Last updated: 12 Sep 2024

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