Ealing schools forum vacancies

23 Sep 2024

Schools forum vacancies - Ealing maintained schools

Schools forum vacancies - Ealing academies and pupil referral units

Ealing maintained schools

There are 7 vacancies for primary school representatives on the Ealing schools forum due to existing vacancies and the imminent expiration of 4 members’ terms of office within the primary schools category on or before 30 September 2024.

There is 1 vacancy each in the nursery schools, special schools and high schools categories.

Should further vacancies occur prior to the end of the nomination period, then these will also be included and appointed to accordingly.

As per the terms of reference of Ealing schools forum, the maintained school members in the relevant categories must be selected to the schools forum by the heads and governors of the corresponding maintained schools in Ealing.

How to nominate

Nominations to the vacancies are open to heads and governors.

Should you wish to be nominated please could you inform Cornelia Harding by 5pm Friday 4 October 2024, including with your nomination a supporting statement of no more than 200 words. Nominations can be sent via email to CabinetReports@ealing.gov.uk. Should there be more nominations than vacancies for the maintained school representatives, then an election will be held.

The constitution of the Ealing schools forum includes 10 maintained primary school members, 2 maintained special school members, 1 maintained nursery school member and 4 maintained high school members. There are no restrictions on consecutive periods of membership and it is possible to nominate oneself.

Ealing academies and pupil referral units

There are currently vacancies on the Ealing schools forum for 2 academies members representatives and for 1 pupil referral units (PRU) representative.

As per the terms of reference of Ealing schools forum, academies and PRU members can be elected to the schools forum by the members of the relevant group according to a process determined by the group. The schools forum operational and good practice guidance of 2021 states that “Academies members must be elected by the proprietor bodies of the academies in the local authority’s area, and they are probably best placed to determine the process”.

Consequently, I have written to the headteachers and proprietor bodies of Ealing’s academies informing them of the vacancies and seeking their nominations. Ealing’s academies may wish to consider the pupil proportions across all academies when electing their representative(s). Academies members and PRU members are there to represent the proprietor bodies of their respective groups and are therefore not necessarily restricted to principals, senior staff or governors.

The constitution of the Ealing schools forum (ESF) includes 3 academies members, of which there are 2 imminent vacancies, and 1 representative for PRUs, which will also be imminently vacant. There are no restrictions on consecutive periods of membership, and it is possible to nominate oneself.

How to nominate

In order to be consistent with the appointment of members to vacancies in other categories on Ealing schools forum, appointments for the academies and PRU vacancies should be decided and notified via email to CabinetReports@ealing.gov.uk by 5pm Friday 4 October 2024.

Please include the name and contact details of the proposed academies and PRU representatives for Ealing schools forum by this time. If more than one nomination is received in each category, we request that the academies and PRUs inform us of the person(s) in each category whom they have selected.

The role of Ealing schools forum

Ealing schools forum has a consultative and decision making role detailed in the terms of reference – available upon request from Cornelia Harding (contact details below).

It is used by the LA to consult on:

  • Any proposed changes to the school funding formula including the financial effect of any such change
  • The terms of a proposed contract for supplies and services where the estimated value of the proposed public services contract is not less than the specific threshold which applies to the LA
  • The LA’s function relating to the schools budget in connection with education of pupils with special educational needs, early years education, use of pupil referral units, education of children otherwise than at school, insurance, free school meals, allocation of central government grants and scheme for the financing of schools.


Cornelia Harding
Email: CabinetReports@ealing.gov.uk
Tel: 0208 825 7380

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Last updated: 23 Sep 2024

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