Shadowing experience needed for diversity in leadership participants – request for schools to volunteer

03 Jun 2024

Diversity in leadership programme

The Ealing diversity in leadership programme is a collaboration between the Ealing Learning Partnership (ELP) and Teach West London Teaching School Hub, supporting career progression pathways for teachers from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnicity communities who would like to pursue roles in senior leadership - headship, deputy, and assistant headship roles.

This year 20 people are participating in the second cohort of this programme - ten secondary, nine primary and one special.

One day shadowing experience

A significant part of this programme is to enable participants to experience what it would be like to be in a leadership position and to support this part of the programme we are looking for schools who would be interested in volunteering to host our future leaders, by giving them the chance to shadow an assistant head for one day – primary, secondary and one special. Ideally this will take place sometime in June.

We are also looking for a primary school to host a shadowing experience for one primary participant and another or the same school to host a shadowing experience for a primary headteacher / head of school.

What will be required of host schools:

  • Provide possible dates in June for one day’s shadowing experience - for one or multiple participants
  • Attend a leadership team meeting
  • Accompany the headteacher, deputy or assistant headteacher (as relevant) on a learning look with analysis
  • Observe any phase or management meetings
  • (Briefly) look at the school’s job descriptions and school structures relating to relevant leadership role.
  • Shadow the headteacher, deputy head or assistant head for any key tasks connected to the role for example whole school curriculum planning and monitoring, after school duty,
  • Any other activities that the school feels would be appropriate e.g. talking about preparing an element of the governor's report, talking about appraisal etc.

The timetable would depend on the school, but we would ask that the school ensures some of the key activities take place. The end of the day can be for the participant to have some time for write up and reflection to share as part of their coaching and/or at the final event on 10 July.


If you would like to provide a shadowing experience, please complete the Diversity in Leadership Programme School Placement 2023-24 form by Friday 7 June 2024 or email

Thanks in advance for your support of our future leaders.

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Last updated: 04 Jun 2024

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