Family School Partnership Award 2024-25 online launch

26 Jun 2024

What’s in it for our school?

  • Do you want to improve the way your school works in partnership with families to deliver better outcomes for pupils?
  • Would you like to support your Race Equality work through better engagement with families?
  • Would you benefit from reassessing your strategy for engaging successfully with all parents around learning or attendance?
  • Would you like to celebrate all the positive work you already do to support families and share good practice?
  • Would your school or setting value working with colleagues from a range of setting and receiving free, high-quality training and support for your staff and leaders?

Join our online launch

Find out how by attending the online launch: Wednesday 3 July 2024, 9.30-10.30am (Via Microsoft Teams)

How to book

To book onto this online event please email Libby at

Feedback from successful schools:

“From our baseline data at the start of this project, we have improved in almost every single area. While this is an amazing outcome for us, it has also helped to highlight where we need to enhance our focus next. This project has been incredibly transformative for us as a school and for me as a new Headteacher. It has brought to light so many revelations around the needs and challenges that our families face and empowered myself and my team to tackle them head on. Our parents and children are happy, numbers on roll are improving and staff turnover has also reduced.”

“Overall, the FSP project has been a career-changing experience for me; participating in something I am truly passionate about has fuelled my desire to ensure that we are achieving the changes we want to see. Our school has truly taken on board the suggestions we received and fully embraced the active improvements we implemented. It has made staff feel more understood and has helped to foster more positive relationships with parents. The overall impact has been consistent and steady. As a school, we are pleased with the progress we have made this year, even though we are aware that there are still many improvements that need to be done and that they will take time to implement. However, I am positive we will continue to see the effects of this project for years to come.”

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Last updated: 26 Jun 2024

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