KS2 monitoring and moderation offer for academies and free schools in Ealing

04 Dec 2023

Academies and free schools are required to comply with the moderation and monitoring of KS2 Teacher Assessment (TA) judgements in English writing.

External moderation is used to confirm that KS2 English writing TA judgements are accurate and consistent with national standards. This ensures that schools are assessing accurately, and the system is fair to all pupils.

Local authorities are required to externally moderate at least 25% of maintained schools, academies, free schools and participating independent schools.

Local authorities also have a statutory responsibility to monitor the administration of the phonics screening check.

Ealing Council can offer external moderation for KS2 TA judgements in English writing and the phonics screening check to Ealing borough academies and free schools.

Please see the details below for what is included and fees charged.

Monitoring for KS2 Tests / moderation of KS2 writing / KS1 phonic screening check

Initial set-up and administration

Maintenance of all process databases, updates with information as necessary, email and telephone support; Including monitoring for KS2 TA judgements in English writing / KS1 phonic screening check

  • Academies and free schools: £100

Moderation TA KS2 visits or Phonics Screening check

The following charges apply depending on the number of classes to be moderated/checked and will cover in-person visits, written reports and completion of statutory paperwork.

Number of Classes Moderation of KS2 TA judgements in English writing or KS1 phonic screening check
Single class £400
Two classes £500
Three classes £600
Four classes £700

Using another LA

If you decide not to use Ealing Council for your moderation, academies and free schools must go on to the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG) and notify STA if they are using a non-geographic local authority for KS2 monitoring and moderation. It is good practice for academies and free schools to inform their geographic local authority if they intend to use an alternative local authority.


If you would like to take up the moderation and/or phonics screening check please email Jo Heffer, ELP primary assessment lead hefferj@ealing.gov.uk.

Further information

If you wish to discuss the above in more detail or require further clarification, please contact Clare Rees, ELP principal quality and partnership lead 3-11 ReesC@ealing.gov.uk

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Last updated: 04 Dec 2023

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