Impacts and updates: Therapeutic Thinking autumn 2023

24 Nov 2023

Since September staff from seventeen schools have accessed Therapeutic Thinking tutor training, building on the twenty four schools from last academic year.

This has left school leaders well prepared to lead developments with their colleagues and for their pupils.

All the feedback so far has described the course content and delivery as 'very hepful'. One delegate summarised the views of many in their feedback about the best things from the training:

'Clarity of information based on evidence, research and real life examples. Detailed strategies and toolkit to move forward. Clear guidance on how to support to develop a whole school therapeutic thinking response to ensure children are included and achieve their best possible outcomes.'


Book your places via the CPD online links below:

Emerging impact

The impact of Therapeutic Thinking across Ealing is beginning to emerge.

Although suspensions across Ealing high schools increased in Autumn1 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, five schools which reduced suspensions all accessed Therapeutic Thinking training last year.

There is also some evidence of impact on reducing the disproportionate representation in suspensions of three priority minority ethnic groups amongst the Therapeutic Thinking schools. These impacts mirror the effects seen in other local authorities where Therapeutic Thinking has become established, for example in Wokingham and Hertfordshire.

Further information

To learn more about Therapeutic Thinking, discuss how it can support your school improvment priorities and explore how Ealing's Therapeutic Thinking lead can support you, do get in touch with Simon Lynch (

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Last updated: 27 Nov 2023

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