Management of risk of falling trees/branches
05 Jun 2023
Each year between 5 and 6 people in the UK are killed when trees or branches fall on them.
A recent HSE prosecution and tragic death of a child highlights the importance of ensuring those responsible for school premises have effective systems in place to manage trees on their sites, particularly those in areas frequently accessed by pupils, staff and the public.
Zoning system
Schools should consider the risks presented by any trees that they are responsible for and ensure that a competent person identifies and prioritises trees accordingly, using a zoning system. For example, trees in areas likely to be frequently accessed by pupils, staff or visitors should be allocated to zone 1 with trees in less frequently accessed areas placed in zone 2.
Ealing Council’s Tree Service can assist schools with complying the law and are able to offer site surveys as well as planned/unplanned inspections.
Anyone providing tree services should be competent and schools should only ever choose an industry approved professional.
Further advice
Contact: Ealing Council’s tree service manager, Dale Mortimer:
Management of the risk from falling trees or branches - HSE
Common sense risk management of trees - landowner summary - Forest Research