Don't forget to enter your school's closures into SIMS
Don't forget to enter your school's closures into SIMS
Code Y: Unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances.
Apply this code where a pupil is unable to attend because:
- The school site, or part of it, is closed due to an unavoidable cause; or
- The transport provided by the school or a local authority is not available and where the pupil’s home is not within walking distance; or
- A local or national emergency has resulted in widespread disruption to travel which has prevented the pupil from attending school.
Guide to using SIMs
- Log in to Sims.Net
- Focus> attendance> exceptional circumstances
- In the window, click on NEW
- Then choose the date (s), am and pm etc.
- Double click on the date from the drop down menu
- In group type choose who you want the code to apply to. eg. whole school year group, registration group, individual pupil etc.
- Search and apply
Please note, the Y code cannot be applied through the 'edit mark' function in attendance.
If you have any queries please contact:
Lucinda Poole, school attendance team leader.
- Lucinda Poole, Schools planning and resource development: 8825 5768
Last updated: 02 Aug 2023