Family life is not always easy. When difficulties and problems come up and you need someone to understand your situation and offer you help and support – get in touch with SAFE (Supportive Action for Families in Ealing)SAFE can give...
A practical guide for schools on managing cases of infectious diseases (GOV.UK)Seeking consent for immunisations in schools (GOV.UK)Guidance on the statutory requirements to consent for immunisations in schools.UKHSA webinar recordingWatch...
Seeking consent for immunisations in schools (GOV.UK)Guidance on the statutory requirements to consent for immunisations in schools.The Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) immunisation team deliver the childhood...
Spring term 202512 March 20255 March 202526 February 202512 February 20255 February 202529 January 202522 January 202515 January 20258 January 2025Some of the items in the gatekeeping issues listed below may no longer be available...
Payroll closedown processing dates - April 2025 to March 2026 (excel)Non teaching staff pay rates 2024-25 (pdf)School teacher's pay and conditions (GOV.UK)Developing your school’s approach to pay (GOV.UK...
Here are Ealing Council's HR policies, procedures, statutory guidance, forms and schemes listed in alphabetical order:A - DAbsences due to the coronavirus Colleagues are reminded of the provisions that already exist for teaching and support staff in...
Emotionally based school non attendance (EBSNA) webinarA short (12 minute) webinar for all school staff on supporting attendance and preventing the development of emotionally based school non attendance.The webinar:introduces EBSNA and explains...
Policy and supporting documentsSupporting pupils with medical conditions in school September 2021 It is a statutory requirement for all schools to have a policy that makes clear the arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions....
Speech, language and communication are crucial to every child’s ability to access and get the most out of education and everyday life.10% of children will have a long-term speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) – that’s 3...
Early years funding consultation 2024/25Early years funding consultation 2024-25 document (pdf)A consultation took place from Monday 18 December 2023 to Monday 15 January 2024. For further details please read: Gatekeeping news...